Salt Lake Temple

Salt Lake Temple

September 20, 2017

It’s simply amazing!

In 1983 I was married here.  A number of years later I came back from my brother’s wedding.  That was a bunch of years ago.  Today I returned again.

It’s simply amazing!

I had a little bit of time before I met my mom here to do a session this morning so I strolled around the grounds.  The flowers were incredible!


I noticed on the upper west side of the building the Big Dipper was depicted.  The relevance of that is that the final two stars in the Big Dipper point to the actual North Star.  If you follow what you’re told in the temple it will always point you in the right direction.  Always!

I also loved seeing the Assembly Hall and the Tabernacle, home of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

My wonderful mom drove about 50 minutes by herself this morning to join me.  That made it extra special.  I can’t say enough good about the workers in the temple and how kind they are.  Not to mention the fact that the endowment is performed live in this temple rather than by film.  That makes the workers jobs even more important.

It also dawned on me that we were going here on a Thursday morning.  That’s the same time the apostles and other general authorities also meet in the temple.  That made it extra special.  I was probably there at the same time they were.

           A beautiful building in its own right!

It’s too bad you can’t take pictures inside the temples.  I had forgotten how big the rooms are and I had also forgotten how ornately painted they are.  How those wonderful early saints in the 1800’s built this baby in 40 years is beyond me.  I marveled at the amazing artistry.

It’s simply amazing!

Following the session we walked across the street and I took my mom to the Cheesecake Factory.  A wonderful meal and a slice of lemon meringue cheesecake and she was in great shape!

As for the Cheesecake Factory?


It’s simply amazing too…!