Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple

All visits to the Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple start with some kind of an adventure in New Orleans. Monday afternoon I flew from Baltimore to New Orleans and checked in at the Days Inn. The hotel was only $70.
A Bus Tour of New Orleans
For only $39 I took a two hour open air bus ride tour around New Orleans.

I saw the Garden District, French quarter, Bourbon street, the Mercedes-Benz Superdome, Beyoncé’s house, the French quarter, and heard about a great restaurant called Mother’s.

Somewhere along the tour they told us about a great restaurant called Mother’s. I had to check it out! They claim to have the worlds best baked ham dinner and I fell for it. Glad I did!

After lunch I drove about an hour west to Baton Rouge. You basically drive there through a very large swamp. It’s beautiful!
The Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple
I arrived at the temple about three hours early so I laid down the seats in the back of the rental car and took a nap for 90 minutes. It was heavenly!

Hats Off to the Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple Workers!
I had four names with me: a gentleman born in Sweden in 1866 and his three boys. I waited outside to give some of the cards away to other patrons.
One gentleman came through and took the name of the oldest son. I did the father. In the meantime I had about 25 minutes and struck up a wonderful conversation with a young temple worker originally from Brazil. It turns out he served his full-time mission in Puerto Allegra North, which is where my brother Ron served his mission!
The gentleman who took the oldest son’s name looked at the card and saw that the preceding work was done in the Payson Utah Temple. He quickly remarked that he lived in Payson from age 8 to age 12. What a small world!
There were only two men and about a dozen women in the session. It didn’t matter. It was wonderful!
The Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple is my 69th temple visited since January 2017. It was rededicated just last month by Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. Given my last name I felt right at home!