Bismarck North Dakota Temple

AUGUST 26, 2023
This is going to be a great day! I’m on board for Skywest Delta connection flight from Washington DC to Minneapolis and it is 6 AM. I have a two hour layover in Minneapolis and then it’s on to Bismarck where I’ll be attending the 1 PM endowment session this afternoon.
A little lemon cake and milk helped this morning!
Having gone to the Richmond Virginia Temple a couple of months ago, this afternoon I will have visited and done temple work in all 83 operating temples in the United States! That record will stand until next Tuesday morning when the Saratoga Springs Temple opens for business! At that point I will be one behind…!
What a thrill to meet Pres. Carpenter, whom I’ve been corresponding with for a number of months. He and his wife serve in the temple until next week, when they will be released.
Bismarck has about 100,000 people in it. Beautiful rolling hills and beautiful farmland. President Carpenter said it’s a marvelous place to live!
Hats off to the folks at SkyWest Airlines, the Delta Connection, for moving me up to an upgraded seat with plenty of legroom!
As always, the grounds of the temple are spectacular!
The Bismarck North Dakota Temple is one of two US temples that I have not been to yet. Yesterday, I set the wheels in motion to visit it. I will be there at the 6:30 endowment session the evening of February 16, 2023.
The round-trip airfare from Washington to Bismarck, according to KAYAK, has been around $858. Last night I checked it for flights leaving in mid February and it dropped to $450. Much better!
I then found a one-way flight from Las Vegas to Bismarck on Allegiant that was only $44. The return flight to Vegas was $108.
The nonstop flight from Baltimore to Las Vegas on Spirit Airlines was $56. The return flight from Vegas to Baltimore was also $56. Therefore I booked the flights for February 15 to the 18th. The total cost was $264.
One of the greatest gifts God has given our civilization is the jet aircraft.
I also love the church’s website where I can schedule temple appointments for any temple in the world. In just a couple of minutes I booked an endowment session at the Bismarck North Dakota Temple for the evening of February 16. When I get there, they will have my name and will be waiting for me. It’s amazing!
Four of the most important words in my life are, “Thank God for jets!” ✈️ 🙏
The Anchorage Alaska Temple is the last US temple that I still need to schedule. I’ll keep you posted on that in a separate post.
Update: May 10, 2023
I was not able to make the Bismarck Temple back in February. But I will be there next week on May 17. 10 AM. Endowment session. Flying there on Frontier Airlines. Round-trip airfare is $48. Not a typo! Check out their GoWild annual pass which I’m having a blast with!

Update: July 6, 2023
Once again, I was not able to make this trip in mid May. However, I just booked a round-trip ticket from Washington DC to Bismarck for Saturday, August 26. The cost was $429. This trip will NOT be canceled!
I have been corresponding with President Glenn Allen Carpenter of the Bismarck Temple presidency about my visit. Hence, I am very excited to meet him during the time that I am there.
Also, my flight leaves Washington DC about 6:30 AM and arrives in Bismarck just before noon. It’s only 15 minutes to the temple from the airport. I’ve scheduled an appointment for the 1 o’clock endowment session. My return flight leaves at 5:45 PM. I am very excited about this trip!