Boston Massachusetts Temple

It’s hard to argue with a $70.02 round-trip airfare from Washington DC to Boston. So I didn’t argue; I just went.
My alarm went off at 3:30 AM. At 4 AM I was on the road. I arrived at BWI airport at 4:50 AM. At 7:30 I was in Boston. I found a vacant gate at the end of the terminal and took a two hour nap. That felt great!
I took the subway into town and then ended up in a great market that had fabulous banana nut muffins.

I arranged for a 1 o’clock quick lunch with my brilliant niece Sarah. Then for about two hours before hand I watch Boston’s famous Freedom Trail.
I started at the Old South Meeting House where speeches were made in favor of the Boston tea party.

I downloaded an app that made walking the Freedom Trail so much fun! You simply open the app and when you get to the next historical site the phone automatically starts telling you stories about that site. I loved it!
I even sat in on an organ recital at the King‘s Chapel!
It was great to see Sarah again. She is about seven months along in her pregnancy and is working really hard. After lunch I saw the famous statue of Ben Franklin and his first public school.

I walked past the Park Church where the first performance of My Country ‘Tis of Thee was sung.

I even made a quick stop at the Statehouse.

I then took the subway up to the Boston College stopp and met Maleah and Westley for lunch.

After all that, it was finally time to head to the temple which was the main reason for my visit.

The Boston Massachusetts temple was the 100th dedicated in October 2000. President Hinckley had set a goal decades earlier to have 100 operating temples by the year 2000. The street the temple is on is even named after him.
This is my 48th temple visited since January 2017. It was a wonderful day all the way around!