Dallas Texas Temple

Dallas Texas Temple

My visit to the Dallas Texas Temple once again starts with the airfare.

This time it was a $102 round-trip ticket to Dallas from Baltimore on Spirit Airlines. At that price it gave me a chance to visit the Dallas Temple economically.

A Chance to Visit Family

I was also looking forward to visiting my cousin Lynette Farrar whom I hadn’t seen in 30 years. There is a half marathon in Dallas the same weekend and I’m looking forward to running in that tomorrow morning. 🏃‍♂️

I arrived in Dallas at midnight Thursday night. A 30 minute Uber ride got me to my cousins nice home. I ended up giving the friendly Uber driver one of my business cards and an Articles of Faith card. She appreciated both of them.

A very friendly Uber driver

Finally I arrived at my cousins home at 1 AM. Then we stayed up talking until 3 AM!

The next morning we went to the Dallas Texas Temple and did an endowment session. My first impression is that the temple is very very long. Also I found out from a friend of mine they actually added an addition to the north end of it a few years ago. The grey colored marble that covers the entire exterior is fascinating. It’s beautiful and unique.

The Same Painting!

Next I saw a painting inside the Dallas Texas Temple of an African-American woman in a beautiful white dress kneeling in prayer. The last time I saw that same painting was in the Tijuana Temple.

Then I saw John Hatch, a former member of the Washington DC Stake High Council, whom I served with, walk in the temple after my session ended. He moved to Dallas seven years ago and works as an ordinance worker on Friday nights. He always looks like 1 million bucks!

After the session we picked up Lynette’s daughter Kim and two of her kids and took them to dinner at Deno’s Kitchen and Spirits. This would be my pasta meal before the big race!

The Mushroom Pasta!

The pop-up rolls they served with the meal were excellent!

Loved these pop-up rolls!

This is my 49th temple visit since January 2017. However, right now I’m going to bed because tomorrow morning I have a half-marathon to run. Hopefully I’ll have some time to visit Deeley Plaza, the site of President Kennedy’s assassination. That event has always fascinated me.

Temples bring families closer together. My visit with Lynette to the Dallas Texas Temple is a great example of that.