Houston Texas Temple

Normally I start off by talking about what a great airfare I got but in this case it’s all about the seating arrangements first. That is all important when you make a trip to the Houston Texas Temple.
My First Seats
This time the airfare was great from Philadelphia straight to Houston ($92 round trip) so I drove 2 1/2 hours north to the Philadelphia Airport. I was thrilled to sit down in the soft and comfortable seats of the minibus that drove me from the parking lot to the airport.

My Second Seats
The airport has rows of seats without armrests in between. That allowed me to lie down and get some rest for a couple of hours before the delayed flight took off.

My Third Seats
I was supposed to land in Houston at 10:30 PM. Instead I got there at 1:30 AM. Once again the seats came into play.

I found some soft sofa type seats in a restaurant area and slept there for about seven hours. After that it was a quick call to Uber and 30 minutes later I was at the Houston Texas Temple.
The first Uber driver was awesome. He’s in his 70s and drives Uber seven days a week from 5:30 AM to about 3 PM. He says it keeps him off the couch and from watching TV. I like that attitude! Because he was taking me to the temple a natural conversation ensued at the end of which I gave him and articles of faith card with my phone number on it. He liked that!

The Renovated Houston Texas Temple

It’s hard to imagine that this thing was under a couple of feet of water when the hurricane came through a few years ago. The grounds are clean and beautiful and the temple is magnificent.

The temple session was full with about 120 patrons. Beautiful light colored wood is inside the gorgeous celestial room. The ceiling of the celestial room wins a prize. The ceiling has staggered levels which is really cool.
Because the flight was delayed in Philadelphia they gave us a meal voucher. I used it to load up on a foot-long Subway sandwich with all the trimmings but didn’t have the appetite to eat it until I got to Houston. So, I showed up at the temple with a full bag of Subway sandwich stuff. I took it right in, set it in the locker, and then after the session I took it right out. That temple dressing room has never smelled so good.

From the Houston Texas Temple to the Johnson Space Center
From there it was another Uber ride off to the Johnson Space Center. I’m now standing in line for about an hour to get on the tram tour and see the property.

The massive Saturn 5 Apollo Rocket booster Top end of the Saturn 5 Rocket Mission Control at the Johnson Space Center Massive 👍
After the tour I took another Uber back to the airport. I love Uber. I also love PayPal which is how I pay them.
My Final Seats
This post started off with me talking about the chairs. Appropriately so, I will end with that too. I’m now at Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston awaiting my flight which leaves in about 3 1/2 hours. Some brilliant soul decided to put in reclining chairs along the walkway in front of the windows so you can recline and watch the planes land. This is heaven!

The Houston Texas Temple is my 57th temple visited since January 2017. I loved it!