Idaho Falls Temple

Idaho Falls Temple

May 31, 2018

From the Twin Falls Idaho Temple we drove about 100 miles to make it to the Idaho Falls Temple. About 20 minutes outside of town, Neal mentioned they were ready for some lunch. I double checked the web and found out the Idaho Falls Temple has a cafeteria, so we decided to eat there. Great decision!

The coconut cream pie was outstanding! It was the perfect place for Mom and Neal to have lunch.

We then went and did more sealings for my mothers ancestors. She was very excited to get these done!

The Idaho Falls Temple has some gorgeous marble on its walls. Some of the murals inside are fascinating too!

My mother was having trouble walking around in her heels, so she made the statement that two temples a day is probably all she can handle. Bless her 87-year-old saintly heart!

We got Mom and Neal a hotel room across the Idaho Falls River from the temple then I took off about 30 minutes north to the Rexburg Idaho Temple.

My mission companion Kevin Thueson grew up across the street from the Idaho Falls Temple. He and his friends used to put on dark clothes and go hide up in the trees on the temple grounds at night. That way when couples came to the temple grounds and started to kiss under the trees he could catch all the action.

The Idaho Falls Temple was my 12th temple visited this year and my 35th temple since starting Mormon Temple Trek on January 1, 2017.