Monticello Utah Temple

Monticello Utah Temple

The Monticello Utah Temple is the only temple in Utah that I have not visited. That’s probably because it’s 233 miles southeast of Spanish Fork Utah, where my mother lives. On Tuesday, February 11, I drove 210 miles north from Salt Lake City to visit the Star Valley Wyoming Temple with my sister Kristin on her birthday. Then I drove about 260 miles to get back to my mother’s house that night. I got to bed at 8:30 PM and slept until 5:30 AM.

On to the Monticello Utah Temple!

The first session at the Monticello Utah Temple is at 10 AM on Wednesday, February 12. I decided to go with my original plan and I left at 5:30 AM. I arrived at the temple at 9:20 AM.

Can you spot the temple?

It’s always fun to look for the temple when you get within a few miles. The Moroni statue is the key. For some reason I pictured Monticello Utah being down in flat valley but instead it’s actually quite elevated.

An Epiphany on the Way

I had an interesting experience while driving to Monticello. You pass so many tractor trailers you have to occasionally think, What would happen to me if one of those crossed over its lane and hit me head on? Well, that obviously in and of itself is a morbid thought, but what I realized is that if that happened, my dad and my grandpa would be right there to welcome me home. That calmed me down. Regardless of how I die, that will be the case. It brought tears to my eyes. I felt really close to my dad and my Grandpa Cook at that moment.

Lots of large trucks along highway 6.

A Second Epiphany in the Parking Lot of the Monticello Utah Temple

I had a second epiphany while sitting in the parking lot of the Monticello Utah Temple. I realize that what I’m doing by visiting all these temples is actually pretty cool. I am an actual eye witness to what God is doing to open up a conduit back to heaven for his children around the country. These beautiful temples are being placed here to help get his children back to him.

Beautiful stone work out front.

After doing an endowment session I headed home and stopped at a grill called Grogg’s just outside of Price, Utah. Kristin recommended it to me the day before as a great place to get a burger. I went with the Bacon Barbecue Swiss Burger. It was monstrous!

A great place!
The Bacon Barbecue Swiss Burger 🍔

Only in Moab…

I stopped in at a place called Hole N’ the Wall outside of Moab. Then I actually noticed the jeep…

Can you spot the Jeep?
Only in Moab…

Final Thoughts

The Monticello Utah Temple is my 71st temple visited since January 2017 and my 23rd temple visited for the year “2019.” That means it’s time for the Wildcard Temple for 2019. Check out our next post for that annual tradition!