Mt. Timpanogos Temple

July 5, 2017: Today I had the opportunity to attend the Mt. Timpanogos Temple with my mother, my step-father Neal and my sister Patti. Patti lives in Laie, Hawaii so it was great to have her here with her family for a few days.
The one word that describes this temple is the word BIG. The rooms inside, particularly the chapel and the celestial room are big and gorgeous. The first thing I spotted upon arrival was the beautiful light blue stained glass that runs up the tall spire outside. That stained glass theme also runs throughout the temple and is marvelous to behold.
We did some names that my mother had prepared. She was thrilled to get work done for four more of her ancestors.
They say it’s a small world in the Church. I continue to find that to be the case when I visit temples. I saw one worker with a name badge that said “Liddiard” on it. My fifth-grade teacher was Bruce Liddiard, a man whom I loved. I was best friends with his two sons too, Robert and Ryan. Upon leaving the temple I walked past this sister and asked her about her name. It turns out she is married to Ryan! He was my doubles partner for four years throughout high school. We were state tennis champions when he was a sophomore and I was a junior. She said she would say hi to him for me. I was thrilled to make that connection again.

I like to get a meal after I go to the temple. In this case, we simply went back to my parents’ house and had more food that was left over from yesterday’s big Fourth of July feast. There’s probably nothing more American than KFC chicken, potato salad, a good soda, and some apple pie. We had all of that and more on this occasion!
Notice the stained glass when you sit in the large chapel. Ask yourself why they did what they did. My sister and I talked about it in the celestial room, where we saw a similar stained glass layout.
This is a beautiful temple that is surprisingly big inside. I love the lilac-colored upholstery in the chapel and elsewhere. I will probably frame this photo in a light blue frame to remind me of the impression I had when I saw the stained glass in the temple spire upon approaching.
It was particularly fun to have my sister Patti come with us. The two of us live the farthest apart of all of my mother’s eleven children. Ironically we came together with our mother and step-father for this occasion. It was wonderful!