Newport Beach California Temple

December 6, 2017
Let’s start with the airfare: 1) Flight from Washington DC at 7 AM this morning nonstop to Denver–$19. 2) Flight from Denver to Santa Ana Orange Country Airport departing at 12:35 PM–$19. 3) Flight from Santa Ana back to Denver departing at 7:30 PM–$26. 4) Flight from Denver to Washington, DC departing at 7 AM the next morning–$19. Total round-trip airfare–$83. An endowment session in the Newport Beach Temple with my missionary buddy that I haven’t seen in 40 years? Priceless.
This is what it looked like this morning at 4:30 AM when I left for the metro.

I liked this festive look at National Airport when I got there at 6:10 AM.
Later we flew over the Grand Canyon.
Finally we spotted the beaches of California.
My missionary buddy Chuck then picked me up at the airport. Ten minutes later we were at the Newport Beach Temple.
If you ever wanted to just sit back on the beach and enjoy an endowment session you need to go to the Newport Beach Temple. The murals here are so well done that when it came time to leave that room I didn’t want to leave!
It’s a gorgeous temple with luxurious furniture. What else would you expect from Newport Beach?

Afterwards we hit Carl’s Jr. for the burgers and onion rings. Very good! It cost me the same price here to feed two of us as it cost me last month after the Bountiful Temple to feed four!
Perhaps the funnest thing about these temple trips is reconnecting with friends I haven’t seen for so long. Chuck mentioned four wildfires burning in the area. We spotted one on the flight out!
We also set up a planned reunion at Chuck’s house outdoors with his gorgeous backyard pool for the summer of 2019 for our missionaries. He and his wife Patti are excited to host it.
This is my 21st temple visited this year. Only three more to go and almost four weeks to do it! I’m excited!