Ogden Utah Temple

Ogden Utah Temple

November 24, 2017

I don’t usually start a post by talking about a stranger, but this is an exception.

Her name is Abigail Long.  At least that’s what her name tag said.  I saw her when I entered the endowment room at the Ogden Temple today.  She was one of the temple workers standing at the front of the room as we came in.

I don’t know Abigail, and she doesn’t know me.  Maybe by posting about her without her permission I may get to know her attorney rather quickly but we’ll wait and see.

Abigail represents everything that a good, sharp, hard-working, faithful, returned missionary should be looking for: beautiful, friendly, killer smile, tall, slender, gorgeous long dark hair, and a faithful servant of the Lord.  Here she is on a Friday night–a holiday–spending her time serving the Lord in the temple.  By the way, she’s gorgeous.  That’s G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S.

Every returned missionary in the state of Utah from the age of 23 to 33 should immediately drop what he’s doing and head to the Ogden Temple without delay in the hopes of bumping into her and getting her phone number.  From what I could tell, she’s single.

Stop hanging out with the guys, shut off your Xbox 360, turn off PlayStation 4, stop playing Call of Duty, put down your fantasy football team stuff, stop playing Madden NFL football of FIFA World Cup Soccer, and IMMEDIATELY go to the Ogden Temple and try to find this girl.  You can thank me later.

Nothing that you do in life could possibly make you happier and give you more lasting happiness than winning the heart of a girl like this.  Hats off to all the wonderful, terrific LDS women who dedicate some time to serving in a House of the Lord!  You are among the very best on earth!

Now back to the temple itself…

I was fascinated to see this recently reconstructed House of the Lord.  It sits right in the middle of Ogden.  It’s not up on the hill overlooking the valley like the Draper or Bountiful temples do.  It’s easy to spot when you come into town because of the beautiful spire.

Old Ogden Temple
New Ogden Temple

When the Church remodeled the Ogden Temple it completely changed the outside look of it.  Here’s what it used to look like compared to what it looks like today.

It has an olive-green color theme to some of the furniture inside, which may be the color of frame I use to put this on my wall.

Diagonally across the street from the temple. A great spot to stop!

Make sure you look up when you go into the beautiful celestial room in this temple.  You’ll see why when you get there.  And when you’re done, head immediately across the street to Farr’s Ice Cream.

I went with the peppermint stick hot fudge sundae.  It was big and it was only a single scoop!


You returned missionaries should plan to take Abigail over here when she’s done with her shift.  I think she’ll like it…

This was my 18th temple visited this year.  My goal is 24.

I was also thrilled to take a family name card into the temple that my mother gave me.  With that it was off on the 17-mile trip north to the Brigham City Temple.


#abigaillong #ogdentemple #farrsicecream #service #mormon #temple #whitefriday