Oklahoma City Temple

Well, I think I just set a record. I drove 551 miles from the Albuquerque temple to the Oklahoma City temple and I just did two initiatory’s in the Oklahoma City Temple. That’s 275 miles per initiatory!
But I don’t mind one bit. The two brothers I did the work for had their last temple work done in Stockholm Sweden in 2003. They’ve been waiting almost 20 years for the next steps in their ordinances which I was just able to complete.
The Oklahoma City Temple sits adjacent to a beautiful stake center. In front of the stake center sits this sign.
It turns out when you go to that website there’s nothing there. Not sure why it’s sitting in front of the stake center, but that’s not my concern. Initially I got excited because this is a sign that I recently put in front of our church building on 16th St. in Washington DC.
I thought someone else might be putting small signs in front of our churches and I actually got excited about that.
I can’t help but think about my sister Kristin and her husband Steve Lambert who served a mission in Oklahoma City about a year ago as welfare service missionaries. For the first eight months of their one year mission they couldn’t come to Oklahoma because of Covid. They rejoiced in that last four months when they got to come out and meet face to face with the many church leaders they have been working with remotely.
When they came home from their mission, I had this cake of the Oklahoma state flag made for them as a welcome home present.
In the last 48 hours I’ve driven 1246 miles and visited three temples in the south mid western part of the United States. I’ve slept the last two nights in the car. Tonight I’ll be at the Hampton Inn at the Oklahoma City airport and I’m so excited!
In about an hour I’m meeting my high school buddy Brent Babcock for a barbecue lunch. After that it’s back to the hotel to kick back on the bed and watch BYU play Baylor.
The lunch was terrific! Hats off to Swadley’s for their awesome barbecue.
The Oklahoma City Temple is the 75th temple I have visited since January 2017. It is the 95th temple in operation and was dedicated in July 2000 by James E. Faust. It was re-dedicated in May 2019 by Henry B. Eyring. It serves stakes in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Kansas.