Tag: temples

8 New Temples Announced!

8 New Temples Announced!

What a thrill to have President Nelson announce eight new temples to be constructed in the following areas: Bahai Blanca, Argentina; Tallahassee, Florida; Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Benin City, Nigeria; Syracuse, Utah; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and Shanghai, China! To see 

Chicago Illinois Temple

Chicago Illinois Temple

My 50th temple! I knew it was going to be a good day when I saw my buddy Al Jackson at the BWI airport this morning. He’s so cool he looks great even from the back… I left BWI at 7 AM and arrived at 

Boise Idaho Temple

Boise Idaho Temple

May 30, 2018 We were able to attend the Boise Idaho Temple tonight. We dashed over there after coming out of the Meridian Idaho temple and after driving approximately 400 miles this morning to make it to these two wonderful places. We did the same 

Meridian Idaho Temple

Meridian Idaho Temple

May 30, 2018 We left Spanish Fork, Utah this morning and drove almost 400 miles to the Meridian Idaho Temple. We stopped in Eagle Idaho to see my wonderful mission president, Ted Johnson and his amazing wife Jan. I haven’t seen them in 40 years.