The 2017 Wild Card Temple

December 15, 2017
I decided for my final temple of the year I would do a randomly selected one. There are, as of today, 160 operating LDS temples throughout the world. I put in the range of 1 to 160 in a random-number generator in my phone. Whatever number came up, I would go to my list of chronologically-dated temples in operation and visit that temple. This was pretty exciting because we have temples in a boatload of countries and this random number would determine where I would go.
I ran the app and number 93 surfaced–Merida, Mexico.
Merida, Mexico is about 180 miles west of Cancun, Mexico. I discovered there are direct flights to Merida from Washington, DC and those flights run about $500. Because of the planning needed and the airfare cost, I would not be able to make the trip before the end of this calendar year, but that didn’t matter. I loved the idea of the random-number generator for the final temple of the year!
Stay tuned for a future post when I tell you about my trip to this wonderful temple in Mexico!