Columbia River Washington Temple

The story of my visit to the Columbia River Washington Temple starts the night before. I had driven 477 miles from the Medford Oregon Temple. When I found out I had missed the last endowment session of the night, I walked across the parking lot and went into the stake center.
That’s when I noticed this writing on the inside of the entrance door. I thought it was a great idea!
Somebody in this stake in Richland Washington has put your thinking cap on. It’s a wonderful thing to have on the inside of the doors of our buildings! I sent this photo to our ward missionaries back in Washington DC and said we should do the same thing with our building there.
Having missed the last endowment session, it was now time for food. Pizza pizza sounded good good so I went to Little Caesars!
With pizza in hand, I checked into the Red Inn Conference Center just down the street. After driving about 500 miles, the king size bed just looked exquisite to me! I caught the last two innings of game five of the World Series between the Phillies and the Astros. Houston won, 3 to 2.
I checked the church’s website and moved my appointment for tomorrow from 12:30 PM up to 10:30 AM. Loving the ability to set temple appointments and edit them on this app! I also love being able to walk into a temple with my phone and just have the office create my temple card by scanning the barcode.
The 10:30 session was quite full and very enjoyable. I’m now traveling 132 miles north east to visit the Spokane Washington Temple. That will be my fourth and final temple for this trip.
Lots of open ground in this part of Washington!
The Columbia River Washington Temple is my 78th temple visited since January 2017. After I visit the Spokane temple, I will have five temples left until I have visited and done temple work in all the operating temples in the United States!